 Sparco is pleased to announce the publication of its new online portal.
From the 29th May 2014, the website www.sparco.it will be available for all motorsport enthusiasts and anyone interested in finding out more about the Sparco business, its history, present activities and the future.
The relaunch of the website is the result of work on the structure of the overall site, as well as redesign of all sections. The site has been designed to offer its users a more dynamic and emotion-filled experience in line with Sparco’s company principles.
Using the website, it will be possible to retrace the key milestones that have shaped the history of the company and learn about the products that have become truly iconic in the motor racing world.
An important innovation on the new site is the introduction, in the "About Us" section, an area entitled OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), the flagship of the company, which has enabled it to enter the automotive, aerospace and Formula 1 industry through production of carbon components.
The blog section gas been rebranded as Sparco Live, a window that opens up onto the latest news and sporting activitiesi in which the company is involved. Social media activities are ongoing and will provide exclusive content and emotive imagery through Sparco’s official Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Flickr accounts.
The most recent developments to the Sparco online shop has seen it undergo a substantial revision to offer a new shopping experience in line with the more traditional form. A more attractive look and feel with new search tools will simplify the choices on offer, based on consumer habits and likely purchase choices.
The corporate website will be published in five languages: Italian, English, Spanish, German and French, while the blog and social communities will be in Italian and English.
Passion, innovation and technology have always been the key principles that drive Sparco’s desire for perfection and aspirations of being recognised as a world leader in the racing world.